Weaved bamboo bag packed and notes in hand ready to visit the long awaited, and planned, local nursing home to get to know the residents and their stories.
Myself and the recreation activities officer have been speaking with one another for months to hold a story-sharing circle for the elderly; space created through tale by the Bellorana residents themselves. For the first circle, I thought I would set a theme, hoping it would be enjoyed. Themed - the story of your name.
With circle preparation, a centre piece is created as a central point of beauty to create comfort whilst parts of your life are shared within circle. Autumn is all around. So what better piece than that of fallen leaves, and flowers that are in bloom at this season. My morning dew walk with dampness and mud collected on my boots, foliage and flora in hand - I was prepared for morning circle.
Upon arrival, I had been double-booked. I had only 30mins with them instead of the hour. The room organised, therefore pictured in my mind preparation, was not the one I entered. “You have an attentive audience”, Kerrie the recreation activities officer mentioned before we entered the main entertainment area.
A room of mostly women with three men, comfy in their divans, have enjoyed a recent morning meal; no circle could be had. I had to be creative, but felt more small than creative, not really knowing what to do or say.
Before entering the aged care, I stopped my car at a big maple tree with its golden, brown, moron, red leaves dropping at its trunk feet. Without knowing exact numbers of residents I collected as many that called me. Little did I know at the time, I intuitively collected the exact number of leaves for all who i was about to meet. So each resident had a little autumn on their trolley table in front of them. Recounting my maple tree story to the room, “Love when things like this happen”, I stated out loud, placing the last leaf on Renee’s walking frame.
As mentioned, I was double-booked and Ian, the Music Man walks in with an extensive and professional set up to perform, whilst I am humbly strumming my guitar. You see I wanted to create a story music sharing circle, hence the guitar. With no ways to logistically create what I had in mind, beyond leaf and asking names, my guitar and the music shared was a safe place. So let the music play!
As mentioned, I was double-booked and Ian, the Music Man walks in with an extensive and professional set up to perform, whilst I am humbly strumming my guitar. You see I wanted to create a story music sharing circle, hence the guitar. With no ways to logistically create what I had in mind, beyond leaf and asking names, my guitar and the music strummed became a safe place. So let the music play!
Mr Music Man (I say this to point a character in the story with amazing skill, with no sacarsm in my tone) starts playing. In the next hour we all enjoyed the memorable classics, voices singing along and chat in between about the artists. Relief and enjoyment would set in, whilst I moved my feet and clicked my fingers to the tunes.
After the performance, I said my goodbyes and left the tribute to Autumn, the central piece from the grounds of my home, with the residents. On my way out, I noticed one of the nurses had a maple leaf in her hair.
I stepped out into the day, I thought to myself “Next time, perhaps I can read poetry and books they may enjoy. Get to know them more beyond just a name.”"