Posts tagged connection
To walk into a room filled with strangers is not new for me. Circles and gatherings are where I find most joy. Yet, sharing your own mental health journey is not all joy.

I have embarked on a 12 week journey I had never thought would lead me feeling, or being who I am today. We are at week nine. The circles are called Story Gyms, eloquently crafted by Lee Rickwood from Story Fruits; a colleague and dear fellow storyteller gem in my life.

12 of us are crafting our story for Mental Health Month in October. We will showcase our stories to an audience in Coffs Harbour. We are journeying through the shadows of how we currently live with mental health challenges, where we come in and out of our past memories, which take hold of us in our daily lives.

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Weaved bamboo bag packed and notes in hand ready to visit the long awaited, and planned, local nursing home to get to know the residents and their stories.

Myself and the recreation activities officer have been speaking with one another for months to hold a story-sharing circle for the elderly. A space created through tale by the residents themselves. For the first circle, I thought I would set a theme, hoping it be would enjoyed. Themed - the story of your name.

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